Subject for June, 2016
The Trees Under The Protection Of The Gods
Subject: Aesop's Fables
THE GODS, according to an ancient legend, made choice of certain trees to be under their special protection. Jupiter chose the oak, Venus the myrtle, Apollo the laurel, Cybele ...
The Two Soldiers And The Robber
Subject: Aesop's Fables
TWO SOLDIERS traveling together were set upon by a Robber. The one fled away; the other stood his ground and defended himself with his stout right hand. The Robber being slain...
The Peasant And The Apple-Tree
Subject: Aesop's Fables
A PEASANT had in his garden an Apple-Tree which bore no fruit but only served as a harbor for the sparrows and grasshoppers. He resolved to cut it down, and taking his axe in h...
The Monkey And The Camel
Subject: Aesop's Fables
THE BEASTS of the forest gave a splendid entertainment at which the Monkey stood up and danced. Having vastly delighted the assembly, he sat down amidst universal applause. Th...
The Grasshopper And The Owl
Subject: Aesop's Fables
AN OWL, accustomed to feed at night and to sleep during the day, was greatly disturbed by the noise of a Grasshopper and earnestly besought her to stop chirping. The Grasshoppe...
The Shepherd And The Sheep
Subject: Aesop's Fables
A SHEPHERD driving his Sheep to a wood, saw an oak of unusual size full of acorns, and spreading his cloak under the branches, he climbed up into the tree and shook them down. ...
The Dogs And The Hides
Subject: Aesop's Fables
SOME DOGS famished with hunger saw a number of cowhides steeping in a river. Not being able to reach them, they agreed to drink up the river, but it happened that they burst th...
The Bitch And Her Whelps
Subject: Aesop's Fables
A BITCH, ready to whelp, earnestly begged a shepherd for a place where she might litter. When her request was granted, she besought permission to rear her puppies in the same s...
The Gnat And The Bull
Subject: Aesop's Fables
A GNAT settled on the horn of a Bull, and sat there a long time. Just as he was about to fly off, he made a buzzing noise, and inquired of the Bull if he would like him to go. ...
The Lark Burying Her Father
Subject: Aesop's Fables
THE LARK (according to an ancient legend) was created before the earth itself, and when her father died, as there was no earth, she could find no place of burial for him. She l...