Subject for June, 2016
The Mules And The Robbers
Subject: Aesop's Fables
TWO MULES well-laden with packs were trudging along. One carried panniers filled with money, the other sacks weighted with grain. The Mule carrying the treasure walked with hea...
The Shipwrecked Man And The Sea
Subject: Aesop's Fables
A SHIPWRECKED MAN, having been cast upon a certain shore, slept after his buffetings with the deep. After a while he awoke, and looking upon the Sea, loaded it with reproaches....
The Rich Man And The Tanner
Subject: Aesop's Fables
A RICH MAN lived near a Tanner, and not being able to bear the unpleasant smell of the tan-yard, he pressed his neighbor to go away. The Tanner put off his departure from time ...
The Lamb And The Wolf
Subject: Aesop's Fables
A WOLF pursued a Lamb, which fled for refuge to a certain Temple. The Wolf called out to him and said, “The Priest will slay you in sacrifice, if he should catch you.̶...
The Lion, Jupiter, And The Elephant
Subject: Aesop's Fables
THE LION wearied Jupiter with his frequent complaints. “It is true, O Jupiter!” he said, “that I am gigantic in strength, handsome in shape, and powerful in ...
The Hares And The Frogs
Subject: Aesop's Fables
THE HARES, oppressed by their own exceeding timidity and weary of the perpetual alarm to which they were exposed, with one accord determined to put an end to themselves and thei...
The Travelers And The Plane-Tree
Subject: Aesop's Fables
TWO TRAVELERS, worn out by the heat of the summer’s sun, laid themselves down at noon under the widespreading branches of a Plane-Tree. As they rested under its shade, on...
The Dog And The Cook
Subject: Aesop's Fables
A RICH MAN gave a great feast, to which he invited many friends and acquaintances. His Dog availed himself of the occasion to invite a stranger Dog, a friend of his, saying, ...
The Thieves And The Cock
Subject: Aesop's Fables
SOME THIEVES broke into a house and found nothing but a Cock, whom they stole, and got off as fast as they could. Upon arriving at home they prepared to kill the Cock, who thus...
The Flea And The Man
Subject: Aesop's Fables
A MAN, very much annoyed with a Flea, caught him at last, and said, “Who are you who dare to feed on my limbs, and to cost me so much trouble in catching you?’ The ...