Subject for May, 2018
What I Saw of Shiloh
Subject: Ambrose Bierce‘s short stories
1 This is a simple story of a battle; such a tale as may be told by a soldier who is no writer to a reader who is no soldier. The morning of Sunday, the sixth day of April, 1862...
“Way Down in Alabam”
Subject: Ambrose Bierce‘s short stories
At the break-up of the great Rebellion I found myself at Selma, Alabama, still in the service of the United States, and although my duties were now purely civil my treatment was...
A Sole Survivor
Subject: Ambrose Bierce‘s short stories
Among the arts and sciences, the art of Sole Surviving is one of the most interesting, as (to the artist) it is by far the most important. It is not altogether an art, perhaps, ...
On a Mountain
Subject: Ambrose Bierce‘s short stories
They say that the lumberman has looked upon the Cheat Mountain country and seen that it is good, and I hear that some wealthy gentlemen have been there and made a game preserve....
The Mirage
Subject: Ambrose Bierce‘s short stories
Since the overland railways have long been carrying many thousands of persons across the elevated plateaus of the continent the mirage in many of its customary aspects has becom...
A Little of Chickamauga
Subject: Ambrose Bierce‘s short stories
The history of that awful struggle is well known—I have not the intention to record it here, but only to relate some part of what I saw of it; my purpose not instruction, but en...
The Fourth Estate
Subject: Ambrose Bierce‘s short stories
1.Mr. Masthead, Journalist While I was in Kansas I purchased a weekly newspaper — the Claybank Thundergust of Reform. This paper had never paid its expenses; it had ruined four ...
Four Days in Dixie
Subject: Ambrose Bierce‘s short stories
During a part of the month of October, 1864, the Federal and Confederate armies of Sherman and Hood respectively, having performed a surprising and resultless series of marches ...
Subject: Ambrose Bierce‘s short stories
If every hypocrite in the United States were to break his leg to-day the country could be successfully invaded to-morrow by the warlike hypocrites of Canada. To Dogmatism the Sp...
The Crime at Pickett’s Mill
Subject: Ambrose Bierce‘s short stories
There is a class of events which by their very nature, and despite any intrinsic interest that they may possess, are foredoomed to oblivion. They are merged in the general story...
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