Subject for June, 2016

The Dog And The Hare

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A HOUND having started a Hare on the hillside pursued her for some distance, at one time biting her with his teeth as if he would take her life, and at another fawning upon her,...


The Wasp And The Snake

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A WASP seated himself upon the head of a Snake and, striking him unceasingly with his stings, wounded him to death. The Snake, being in great torment and not knowing how to rid...


The Camel

Subject: Aesop's Fables

WHEN MAN first saw the Camel, he was so frightened at his vast size that he ran away. After a time, perceiving the meekness and gentleness of the beast’s temper, he summo...


The Bowman And Lion

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A VERY SKILLFUL BOWMAN went to the mountains in search of game, but all the beasts of the forest fled at his approach. The Lion alone challenged him to combat. The Bowman imme...


The Hares And The Foxes

Subject: Aesop's Fables

THE HARES waged war with the Eagles, and called upon the Foxes to help them. They replied, “We would willingly have helped you, if we had not known who you were, and with...


The Wolves And The Sheepdogs

Subject: Aesop's Fables

THE WOLVES thus addressed the Sheepdogs: “Why should you, who are like us in so many things, not be entirely of one mind with us, and live with us as brothers should? We ...


The Kites And The Swans

Subject: Aesop's Fables

TEE KITES of olden times, as well as the Swans, had the privilege of song. But having heard the neigh of the horse, they were so enchanted with the sound, that they tried to im...


The Ass And The Old Shepherd

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A SHEPHERD, watching his Ass feeding in a meadow, was alarmed all of a sudden by the cries of the enemy. He appealed to the Ass to fly with him, lest they should both be captur...


The Woman And Her Hen

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A WOMAN possessed a Hen that gave her an egg every day. She often pondered how she might obtain two eggs daily instead of one, and at last, to gain her purpose, determined to g...


The Crab And The Fox

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A CRAB, forsaking the seashore, chose a neighboring green meadow as its feeding ground. A Fox came across him, and being very hungry ate him up. Just as he was on the point of...
