Subject for June, 2016

The Tortoise And The Eagle

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A TORTOISE, lazily basking in the sun, complained to the sea-birds of her hard fate, that no one would teach her to fly. An Eagle, hovering near, heard her lamentation and dema...


The Ass, The Fox, And The Lion

Subject: Aesop's Fables

THE ASS and the Fox, having entered into partnership together for their mutual protection, went out into the forest to hunt. They had not proceeded far when they met a Lion. T...


The Mountain In Labor

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A MOUNTAIN was once greatly agitated. Loud groans and noises were heard, and crowds of people came from all parts to see what was the matter. While they were assembled in anxi...


The Swallow And The Crow

Subject: Aesop's Fables

THE SWALLOW and the Crow had a contention about their plumage. The Crow put an end to the dispute by saying, “Your feathers are all very well in the spring, but mine prote...


The Bear And The Fox

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A BEAR boasted very much of his philanthropy, saying that of all animals he was the most tender in his regard for man, for he had such respect for him that he would not even tou...


The Fawn And His Mother

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A YOUNG FAWN once said to his Mother, “You are larger than a dog, and swifter, and more used to running, and you have your horns as a defense; why, then, O Mother! do the ...


The Farmer And The Snake

Subject: Aesop's Fables

ONE WINTER a Farmer found a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up, placed it in his bosom. The Snake was quickly revived by the warmth, an...


The Farmer And The Stork

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A FARMER placed nets on his newly-sown plowlands and caught a number of Cranes, which came to pick up his seed. With them he trapped a Stork that had fractured his leg in the n...


The Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, And Bramble

Subject: Aesop's Fables

THE POMEGRANATE and Apple-Tree disputed as to which was the most beautiful. When their strife was at its height, a Bramble from the neighboring hedge lifted up its voice, and s...


The Hare And The Tortoise

Subject: Aesop's Fables

A HARE one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the Tortoise, who replied, laughing: “Though you be swift as the wind, I will beat you in a race.” The Har...
