Subject for August, 2016
PART TWO : Chapter 25
Subject: Anna Karenina
There were seventeen officers in all riding in this race. The race course was a large three-mile ring of the form of an ellipse in front of the pavilion. On this c...
PART TWO : Chapter 24
Subject: Anna Karenina
When Vronsky looked at his watch on the Karenins’ balcony, he was so greatly agitated and lost in his thoughts that he saw the figures on the watch’s face, but could...
PART TWO : Chapter 23
Subject: Anna Karenina
Vronsky had several times already, though not so resolutely as now, tried to bring her to consider their position, and every time he had been confronted by the same superficiali...
PART TWO : Chapter 22
Subject: Anna Karenina
The rain did not last long, and by the time Vronsky arrived, his shaft-horse trotting at full speed and dragging the trace-horses galloping through the mud, with their reins han...
PART TWO : Chapter 21
Subject: Anna Karenina
The temporary stable, a wooden shed, had been put up close to the race course, and there his mare was to have been taken the previous day. He had not yet seen her there. ...
PART TWO : Chapter 20
Subject: Anna Karenina
Vronsky was staying in a roomy, clean, Finnish hut, divided into two by a partition. Petritsky lived with him in camp too. Petritsky was asleep when Vronsky and Yas...
PART TWO : Chapter 19
Subject: Anna Karenina
On the day of the races at Krasnoe Selo, Vronsky had come earlier than usual to eat beefsteak in the common messroom of the regiment. He had no need to be strict with him...
PART TWO : Chapter 18
Subject: Anna Karenina
Although all Vronsky’s inner life was absorbed in his passion, his external life unalterably and inevitably followed along the old accustomed lines of his social and regim...
PART TWO : Chapter 17
Subject: Anna Karenina
Stepan Arkadyevitch went upstairs with his pocket bulging with notes, which the merchant had paid him for three months in advance. The business of the forest was over, th...
PART TWO : Chapter 16
Subject: Anna Karenina
On the way home Levin asked all details of Kitty’s illness and the Shtcherbatskys’ plans, and though he would have been ashamed to admit it, he was pleased at what h...